Friday 22 August 2008

Major Survey Shows Deficiency In Geriatric Care


Latest News For Seniors / Aging
Many Older Adults Cannot Find Most Beneficial Prescription Drug Plan On Medicare Web Site, Study Finds
21 Aug 2008

More Than 10 Percent Of Older Americans Suffer Mistreatment According To U. Of Chicago Study
21 Aug 2008

Maryland Trauma Patients Over Age 65 Less Likely To Be Brought To Trauma Centers, Study Finds
20 Aug 2008

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Latest Videos for Seniors
Cholesterol Management

Each year more than a million Americans have meat attacks. High cholesterol is a major risk factor for substance attack and stroke. Lifestyle changes and adherence to a intervention plan ar important for cholesterol management...

Diagnosing Alzheimer's Early

Early diagnosis of Alzheimer's disease is critical to delaying the effects of the disease. Additonally, the earlier the diagnosis, the more time patients and caregivers have to plan for the future...

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